
Importance of Roofing

Denver Roofing Companies are one of the most important parts of any house. It protects everything inside the house from rain, snow, wind and other weather elements.

Roofs are typically made of shingles, either asphalt, wood or clay/terra cotta. There are also solar roof options now available. Regardless of material, a good roof will last a long time with little maintenance other than periodic inspections and removing debris such as moss.

Weather protection is a critical part of any construction project. It’s important that the worksite remains protected from rain, snow, sunlight and other harsh weather conditions. These conditions can make the work difficult and even dangerous for workers, so it’s essential that proper construction weather protection is available at the jobsite.

Roofing is the process of covering the top surface of a building with a waterproof layer of material. Typically, this is achieved by interlocking sheets of ply sheeting with bitumen. The bitumen is usually asphalt, tar or a cold-applied adhesive. Asphalt and tar require heating before they can be applied to the roof, while cold-applied adhesives don’t.

APAC offers a variety of high-quality construction weather protection solutions, including metal flashing weather proofing, weather-resistant barriers and lead weather proofing. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services. We’re always happy to provide advice and recommendations based on your specific needs. Our experts are well versed in the industry and can find you exactly what you’re looking for. We’ll also help you determine the best method of protection for your specific site and environment.

Energy Efficiency

The roof is a key component in the thermal regulation of buildings. Energy-efficient roofing solutions are designed to effectively insulate homes and regulate temperature levels, reducing the strain on artificial heating and cooling systems. As a result, this type of roofing reduces energy consumption and costs, offering numerous benefits for homeowners and businesses alike.

Choosing the right materials is crucial for energy-efficient roofing. Various roofing materials can have varying effects on energy use, so homeowners should be sure to research the potential impact of each option. For example, metal and clay tiles offer excellent insulation properties and can help minimize heat transfer. They can also reflect sunlight instead of absorbing it, keeping the interior cooler and lowering the need for air conditioning.

Energy-efficient roofs are also made from recycled materials, thereby decreasing the demand for raw resources and minimizing waste. As a result, these types of roofs are highly sustainable and provide a strong return on investment for homeowners.

Many homeowners also report a reduction in their energy bills following the installation of an energy-efficient roof, making them a great choice for those looking to save money on utilities while making a positive impact on the environment. In addition, these roofs can also extend the lifespan of HVAC systems by reducing their load, thereby protecting investments in this essential piece of household equipment.

Homeowners can further contribute to the conservation of energy and the environment by integrating solar panels into their roof. This will allow them to generate their own electricity, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and contributing to the mitigation of climate change.

The energy efficiency provided by roofing can be significant, especially for those living in hot areas. As a result, many people are turning to cooling technologies like cool roofs to help mitigate their energy costs and protect their homes from the extreme summer temperatures. Cool roofing consists of a layer of reflective shingles, tiles, or coating that reflects sunlight rather than absorbs it. This helps keep the interior of a building cooler and reduces the need for air conditioning, helping to cut energy costs and lower utility bills.


Depending on the material, roofing lasts from 15 to 20 years for flat roofs to 50 or more for slate and metal. Often, the lifespan of a roof can be extended with regular maintenance and by having leaks repaired immediately. Leaks are usually caused by a problem at a penetration such as a plumbing vent or skylight, and fixing this can extend the life of your roof.

Tile roofs – particularly concrete or clay tiles – have one of the longest average lifespans for a roof, lasting 50 to 100 years or more. However, they can be expensive and heavy, requiring a home to have special framing and supports and requiring homeowners to consult with a structural engineer before installation.

Wood shakes offer rustic beauty and insulating value, and can last 30 years or more when properly maintained. However, they are more prone to fire damage than metal or tile roofs.


Roofing materials can provide aesthetics to homes and buildings. Some of these aesthetics are obvious, while others are subtler and less visible to the naked eye. For example, a roof may feature pleasing shapes, colors, movement, patterns, scale and visual weight. The aesthetics of a design are important in that they make a design more appealing to the eye and, thus, increase its usability. Aesthetics play an important role in architectural and urban planning, but they also contribute to the general feel of a home or building.

The scope of aesthetics has been broadened in recent decades to include not only works of art but natural objects and phenomena, built structures and even human activities. One reason for this broader definition of aesthetics has been the growing prominence of ecological and environmental concerns in Western philosophy, as well as a revival of interest in popular art and architecture (Vihalem 2016).

It is important to recognize that some everyday experiences are more aesthetic than others. For example, certain qualities – messiness, shabbiness, cuteness and prettiness – are experienced as aesthetic but are not appreciated in the same way as a painting or a flower garden. This is because these experiences do not require the same level of background knowledge, aesthetic sensibility and reflective process as a work of art.

Moreover, some people do not consider these experiences to be worthy of being the subject of an aesthetic inquiry. In some cases, this is due to the dominance of judgment-oriented discourse in mainstream Western aesthetic theory. This mode of inquiry tends to consider anything that does not involve a judgment as hopelessly subjective and relativistic.

However, a phenomenological approach to aesthetic experience has emerged in response to this limitation. This approach focuses on the sensory dimensions of aesthetic experience and does not require a judgment-oriented framework. Rather, it provides a theoretical foundation for understanding how and why certain qualities are perceived as aesthetic by some and not by others.

The emergence of everyday aesthetics has been accompanied by increased efforts to blur the distinction between art and life. This movement has been facilitated by the growing availability of digital technology that allows for the replication of real-life events and objects in the form of simulations. This has allowed for a proliferation of art installations that re-create aspects of daily life. It has also led to a shift in the emphasis placed on non-Western cultural traditions as a source of inspiration for the development of everyday aesthetics.

Stucco Roofing

Stucco is an exterior cement plaster wall covering that has long been popular for residential and commercial structures. The material has a natural appeal and is durable enough to protect your home against the elements. It can be painted or stained to match your home’s color scheme, and it is easy to maintain. However, stucco is not always the best choice for heavy rains or snow, as water can seep through the surface and cause damage.

When properly maintained, a stucco roof can last for decades and is a good choice for any climate. The material is also non-combustible and fire-resistant, which can help protect your family and belongings in the event of a fire. It is also a great insulator and can keep your home cooler in hot weather and warmer in cold weather. In addition, stucco is resistant to insects and other pests, making it a great option for homes in wooded areas.

There are several different types of stucco, including rock dash and smooth stucco. Rock dash stucco has a rough texture that adds contrast to your home’s design, while smooth stucco is more refined and subtle. Smooth stucco is more popular for modern houses because it is easier to clean and maintain. Both types of stucco are available in a variety of colors, so you can choose the one that best complements your home’s style and surroundings.

It is important to inspect your stucco regularly for cracks and other signs of damage. If left unchecked, these issues can lead to moisture and water leaks that can wreak havoc on the interior of your home and damage valuable items. In addition, cracks in the stucco can allow heat and air conditioning to escape, which can increase your energy bills.

Stucco can be applied to a number of different surfaces, including wood framing and light-gauge steel framing. If your home has a wood frame, we recommend putting on a waterproof barrier such as an asphalt-saturated paper or a manufactured plastic-based sheet called a building wrap before applying the stucco. On flat or rubber membrane roofs, we can put on a layer of tarpaper or plastic taped down with masonite, and then apply the stucco.

Eye Doctor

What to Expect From Your Eye Doctor

Your eyes reveal a lot about your overall health. An eye exam may help you detect diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure or autoimmune disorders. Click to learn more.

Eye Doctor

You should see an ophthalmologist for routine exams, as well as to treat any sudden changes in vision. Getting a referral from a friend or family member is the best way to find a qualified doctor.

Many people who have not had eye exams in a long time may be unsure of what to expect. The eye doctor will usually begin by asking questions about your current symptoms and general health. They may also ask about whether any family members have had problems with their eyes or vision. It is important to provide a complete and accurate patient history to ensure that your exam is as accurate as possible.

Once the patient history is completed, the examination itself begins. A visual acuity test is the first thing that most patients will have done, which involves reading letters on an eye chart at various distances. The doctor may then use a handheld lighted instrument to check the surface of the eye and the surrounding tissues for signs of damage or disease. This part of the exam can include an inspection of the sclera and the conjunctiva, and palpation of the eyelids to check for abnormalities like ptosis (drooping of the upper or lower lid).

Next comes the refraction assessment, which determines your lens prescription. To do this, the doctor will place a device called a phoroptor in front of your face and have you look at an image through different lenses. They will then ask you which one appears clearer and record the results. This is a subjective test and will determine your final eyeglass or contact lens prescription.

Refraction is a crucial part of the eye examination because it measures how well you see at all distances, determining your need for corrective lenses. This includes testing for nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism.

Other parts of the eye exam can include a visual field test, which checks how much of your surroundings you can see. This can be done by covering one eye and telling the doctor when a finger appears in your field of view, or by using an automated machine that lights up a set of dots and prompts you to identify them. A glaucoma screening can be performed by either shining a bright light into your eyes and watching how your pupils dilate or using a non-contact tonometer, which blows air into the eye to measure intraocular pressure.


Eyeglasses are an excellent solution for a lot of vision problems. They help correct a number of refractive errors (like myopia or nearsightedness, hyperopia or farsightedness), astigmatism and presbyopia (which causes blurry close-up vision). They also help protect the eyes from harmful UV light. Eyeglasses are a safe and convenient way to improve your vision.

There are a variety of frame styles and materials to choose from, so it’s important to find the right frames for you. It’s also a good idea to choose a pair that is comfortable enough to wear throughout the day. You should avoid tight or narrow frames, which can squeeze the nose and ears and are difficult to clean. The shape of the lenses is another factor to consider. Round, rectangular and oval lenses are more comfortable for most people. However, a pair of square or angular glasses can be a good choice for some.

The type of lenses you’ll need will depend on your prescription and the kind of vision correction you need. Single-vision lenses are good for correcting distance issues, while multifocal lenses treat both distance and near-vision problems, such as reading. Bifocals have a separate area on the lens for each correction, while trifocals have three areas.

Most eyeglasses are made of plastic, which is lighter and more flexible than glass. Polycarbonate is a popular choice because it’s impact resistant and helps protect against damage. It is also less prone to distortion than other types of lenses. Trivex is a newer material that provides similar benefits, and it’s even thinner than polycarbonate.

Before the final lenses are inserted into the frames, they go through a rigorous inspection process. The lenses are visually inspected for dust and other debris, and a mechanical inspection is performed. The lenses are then “stamped,” which indicates they meet ZEISS’ strict quality assurance requirements.

When you’re ready to pick out your new glasses, it’s a good idea to bring in the prescription from your eye exam and any other information you have about your vision needs. If you have insurance, it’s often possible to use it to cover the cost of the glasses and frames. If you don’t have insurance, ask the eye care specialist about cost assistance programs or resources.

Contact lenses

If you have been wearing glasses, your eye care professional will help you make the transition to contact lenses. These thin plastic lenses fit over the front part of your eyes (the cornea) to correct a range of vision problems, including nearsightedness, farsightedness and astigmatism. They also can address presbyopia by providing bifocals. Many people wear decorative contacts to change the color of their eyes or to add a pop of color. However, even these kinds of contacts require a proper prescription and regular annual checkups.

Your eye care professional will help you choose the best type of contact lenses for your needs and will explain how to insert and remove them. They will also teach you the best way to clean and store your contacts.

Most contact lenses are soft and made of gel-like plastics that absorb water, making them comfortable to wear. They are usually worn on a daily basis and need to be removed at night before you go to sleep. Some types of contact lenses are designed for extended wear, allowing you to keep them in overnight and for up to 30 days. Extended wear contacts must be removed at least once per week for cleaning. Your eye care professional will evaluate your tolerance for extended wear and will determine the safest length of time for you to keep them in.

When you first start wearing contact lenses, a period of mild irritation may occur. This is caused by a difference in the pH and salt content of the lens solution and your natural tears. This discomfort usually fades as your eyes adjust to the contact lens and your tear content stabilizes. If you continue to experience irritation, your contact lens may be dirty, damaged or inside-out. Removing the lens, inspecting it for damage and cleaning it, should relieve the discomfort.

Be sure to keep multipurpose contact solution and a case on hand. These will come in handy if you lose or tear a lens. And remember, it is important to never use tap water to clean or store your contacts. The water can carry bacteria that can cause an eye infection.

Eye surgery

Your eye doctor can perform several types of surgery, including traditional open surgeries and minimally invasive options. The exact type of eye surgery you need will depend on your individual condition and its severity.

If you’re considering refractive eye surgery, your doctor will take a few measurements and complete other tests to make sure that you’ll be a good candidate. You’ll also need to sign a consent form to confirm that you understand the risks, benefits and alternative options for treatment.

During cataract surgery, your eye doctor removes the natural lens of your eye from its position on the edge of your cornea and replaces it with a synthetic plastic lens. This procedure can correct severe nearsightedness and farsightedness, as well as astigmatism.

Other refractive surgeries include LASIK, in which your eye doctor creates a flap on the front of your eye and then uses a laser to flatten the cornea and change the way that light rays focus on the retina. This can reduce your dependence on glasses or contacts. Other refractive surgeries include corneal transplants, in which the doctors replace the natural lens of your eye with a donor one; and glaucoma implants and procedures, such as a trabeculectomy, in which the doctor inserts a tube to help extra fluid drain from the eye, lowering eye pressure.

For retinal detachment, your doctor may perform a vitrectomy, in which some of the fluid in your eye — called the vitreous — is removed and replaced with saline or a bubble of gas that helps the retina reattach. He or she may also use laser photocoagulation or cryotherapy to seal the retina in place. An in-office procedure called pneumatic retinopexy can also repair a retinal detachment by injecting a gas bubble into your eye, pushing it against the retina and then using laser photocoagulation or cryotherapy to “weld” it in place.

This is an outpatient surgery, but you’ll need to be sedated for it. After the surgery, you might have a burning or itching sensation in your eye, and vision might be blurry or hazy. You’ll need to take nonprescription pain relievers if needed, and you should avoid rubbing your eyes because that could dislodge the flap that was created during surgery. You may also need to wear a protective shield while sleeping for a few days after surgery.


Ozempic Side Effects

Ozempic San Diego is a medication that helps manage blood sugar levels in adults with type 2 diabetes. It also lowers the risk of certain heart and blood vessel problems. Ozempic comes as a liquid solution inside prefilled injection pens. You inject it yourself under your skin in the thigh or abdomen. Your doctor will show you how to do this.

What is ozempic?


Ozempic is a medication that has been approved to treat type 2 diabetes. It is also used for weight loss and has been shown to be effective in helping people lose weight and keep it off, when combined with other lifestyle changes such as diet and exercise. It is the only injectable medication of its kind that has been proven to work for weight loss, and as a result it is very popular and there are shortages across the country.

The active ingredient in Ozempic is semaglutide, which has been studied in people who are overweight or obese and found to help them lose weight. It is thought to affect parts of the brain that control appetite, so it makes people feel full after eating and decreases cravings for certain foods that are high in calories. This can help people eat less and make it easier to lose weight.

Other benefits of Ozempic include the ability to lower blood sugar levels, which can reduce the risk for heart or blood vessel problems associated with diabetes. It can also help improve cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It may also help prevent kidney disease in people who have diabetes.

It’s important to talk with your doctor before taking this medication, especially if you have any preexisting health conditions or other medications that you are currently using. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medications, vitamins, supplements, and herbal remedies. You should also let your doctor know if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you could become pregnant in the future.

There is limited data on the use of Ozempic in pregnancy, and there are concerns that it may increase the risk for birth defects if it is given to an unborn baby. It is recommended that women avoid becoming pregnant while on this medication or for two months after stopping it. It is also important to drink plenty of fluids while taking this drug, as it can cause dehydration.

This medication comes as a liquid solution inside of prefilled, disposable pens. The pens are available in several different strengths, which are written as the amount of semaglutide per milliliter of solution (mg/mL). Your doctor will determine the right strength for you. You will inject Ozempic once each week, and you should try to do this on the same day each week.

How does ozempic work?

If you have diabetes, you may already know that the medication semaglutide — also known as Ozempic — works to dial down food cravings and make it easier for patients to stick with their dietary changes. But the drugmaker is facing questions from lawsuits filed by people who claim it’s causing serious side effects, including ileus (a bowel blockage) and gallbladder problems.

As a type of GLP-1 receptor agonist, Ozempic works by increasing the amount of insulin your body makes when blood sugar levels are high. This helps the glucose in your blood pass from your liver into cells, where it can be used as energy.

But some people who’ve taken Ozempic have gotten serious side effects, such as nausea and vomiting, that prevent them from being able to stick with their diet plans. That’s led to some patients stopping treatment, including Barbie Jackson-Williams, 54, of Des Moines, Iowa, who said that she started taking Ozempic in 2021 to lose weight and manage her Type 2 diabetes. But in early 2022, she stopped taking the injections after a year because of the nausea.

Her doctor advised her to continue with other medications to treat her diabetes, but she wasn’t able to make enough progress with those drugs alone. In late 2022, she got a sleeve gastrectomy and began to see improvement in her nausea, but she was still not able to eat the amount of food needed to get to her target weight.

She started taking the Ozempic again in early 2023 and has lost about 10 pounds so far, but she says her gastrointestinal issues — particularly reflux that causes her to need antacids twice a day — are the main reason she’s continuing on with the medication.

Other possible side effects of Ozempic include low blood sugar, gallbladder problems, and a decrease in appetite. Tell your doctor right away if you have any of these symptoms. You should also tell your doctor if you take other medicines to treat diabetes, such as sulfonylureas or insulin, because they may increase your risk of low blood sugar.

What are the possible side effects of ozempic?

Almost everyone who takes Ozempic experiences mild side effects like nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and constipation. However, these symptoms should not last long and are easily managed with medication and diet. More serious side effects of Ozempic may include a rash, gallbladder problems and jaundice. If you experience these symptoms, call your doctor right away.

In one clinical study, more people taking Ozempic (3%) developed diabetic retinopathy than those who received a placebo treatment (1%). Diabetic retinopathy is a condition where the blood vessels that supply blood to the retina of the eye are damaged by high levels of glucose and can lead to blindness. This form of retinopathy is more common in people with type 2 diabetes and in those who have had the condition for a longer time than others.

Ozempic is sometimes used to help reduce the risk of heart disease in people with type 2 diabetes and other conditions, such as high cholesterol and high blood pressure. It works by stimulating the release of insulin after a meal or snack, helping to regulate blood sugar levels. It is also used along with other medications, such as sulfonylureas and oral diabetes medicines, to treat type 2 diabetes.

There are also concerns that Ozempic and another medication in the same class, liraglutide (Victoza), can increase the risk of thyroid cancer in some people. While it is unclear whether the drug itself is to blame for these cases, if you have any risk factors for thyroid cancer, such as a family history of thyroid disease or thyroid surgery, you should not take this medication.

A recent FDA warning also cautions that Ozempic can lead to a rare side effect called ileus, a condition where your intestines become blocked and make it difficult or impossible for you to have bowel movements. However, it is not clear why this happens, and Betul Hatipoglu, a professor of medicine at Case Western Reserve University, says the medication should still be beneficial for most people. The FDA is currently investigating the link between ileus and Ozempic.

How should I take ozempic?

It’s important to follow your doctor’s instructions when using Ozempic. Your healthcare provider will show you where to inject the medicine, usually in your stomach, thigh or upper arm. You can change the injection site each week if you like. If you’re having trouble with the injection, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. They can offer suggestions or offer training on how to use the pens properly.

In animal studies, this medication caused thyroid tumors and thyroid cancer. It’s not known if this will occur in people. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. It’s also not clear if Ozempic will harm your unborn baby. Also let your doctor know if you have a family history of medullary thyroid cancer or a rare endocrine condition called multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2.

You can take Ozempic with or without food, but it’s best to eat something before taking it. Before giving yourself an injection, wash your hands with soap and water. Priming a new pen is a good idea, and always use a clean needle each time. Keep extra pens and new needles in case you lose or break one. Before you inject, check the liquid medicine to make sure it’s clear, colorless and free of particles.

Some medicines, foods, vitamins and supplements can affect how Ozempic works. Tell your doctor about all the medications and supplements you are taking. Especially tell your doctor if you take other diabetes medications or any other blood sugar control medicines. It’s best to start with a low dose of Ozempic and gradually increase it over the course of 4 weeks, as directed by your doctor.

If you have health insurance, the cost of Ozempic may be covered by your plan. But if you don’t, the price of this drug can be high. You might be able to find a coupon or savings program that helps lower the cost of your prescription. For example, you can get a discount on your prescription with a company such as Optum Perks*. You can also visit the manufacturer’s website to learn about their support options.


Natalie Wood

In 1956, Natalie Wood became a major star with her Oscar-nominated turn as a rebellious teenager in the film Rebel Without a Cause. She would earn two more nominations, for the period drama Splendor in the Grass and the romance Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.

Natalie Wood

In November 1981, she was shooting her final film, the sci-fi thriller Brainstorm. She and her co-stars, husband Robert Wagner and boat captain Dennis Davern, took a weekend trip to California’s Catalina Island.

Natalie Wood was born Natalia Nikolaevna Zacharenko in San Francisco to Russian immigrant parents. Her mother, Maria Gurdin, a housewife who had multiple aliases, and her father, Nick, a janitor and prop builder, moved to Santa Rosa when she was three or four. In 1942, she and her family bought a home in the city, where she was noticed by members of a crew during a film shoot downtown. The film’s producer, Irving Pichel, helped her get a screen test. She made her first film at age five in Happy Land (1943), playing the role of a girl who drops an ice cream cone and gets blamed. Her scene lasted 15 seconds.

Wood’s dark ethnic beauty helped her stand out in the film business. She began to receive leading roles, beginning with her Academy Award-nominated performance in Splendor in the Grass (1957). As she entered her teenage years, she became a star with her appearance in Rebel Without a Cause (1955). In 1961, she appeared as restless Puerto Rican youth Maria in West Side Story.

The sixties were a productive time for Wood, both professionally and personally. Her films often reflected the times, such as West Side Story, which dealt with racial prejudice; Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice, about middle class housewives; and Gypsy, in which she played burlesque entertainer Gypsy Rose Lee.

Wood’s volatile personal life also garnered media attention. She dated actor Dennis Hopper, hotel dynasty heir Nicky Hilton and other high-profile men. She married director Richard Gregson in 1957 (divorced 1962; remarried 1972) and had a daughter with him, Courtney. She also had a daughter from her second marriage, to actor Robert Wagner.

Early life

A young Natalie Wood grew up in the shadow of her mother’s unfulfilled dreams of stardom. Mary Tatuloff, who had danced professionally in the Russian city of Ussuriysk before emigrating to America with her husband Alexander Zacharenko, passed her passion for film acting onto her daughter. Despite a skewed moral compass, she used her talent to manipulate her daughter’s life.

Wood’s early career was marked by child roles and by her mother’s maniacal obsession with her image. She feared losing her audience once she outgrew the child actor stage and tried to control every aspect of her daughter’s public image. She also manipulated her daughter’s dating and marriage choices. Ultimately she caused her daughter great heartache with her constant need to curry favor with powerful men in order to further her career.

The film West Side Story was a pivotal point in Wood’s career. Her role as the restless Maria portrayed an important cultural phenomenon for young Americans at the time, and her performance earned her an Oscar nomination. Wood’s next significant role was in Gypsy Rose Lee, which gave her the opportunity to showcase her witty dialogue and deeper emotional range.

Throughout the 1960s, Wood was cast in a number of “girlfriend” films that she found less gratifying. But in 1970, she starred in the well-received melodrama Intimate Strangers. It was the first film to show that she could handle adult roles.

In the last decade of her life, Wood acted on occasion in television shows such as Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, The Cracker Factory and Hart to Hart. She remarried British producer Richard Gregson and had a daughter with him before her death in 1981.


Natalie Wood’s acting career started at age five with a brief scene in the 1943 film Happy Land. Her performance in that film earned her media attention, and she received a contract from 20th Century Fox. Her film roles became more numerous after that, usually playing the daughter of star actors such as Fred MacMurray, Margaret Sullivan, James Stewart, and Joan Blondell. California laws at the time required child actresses to attend three hours of school each day. Wood took her lessons on the set of her films, and she was considered a straight-A student.

By the time she was 16, Wood was a teen idol. She starred with James Dean in the 1955 film Rebel Without a Cause, and the movie earned her an Academy Award nomination. She followed it with the box office hits West Side Story and Gypsy. She also appeared in the movies Splendor in the Grass and Love with a Proper Stranger, receiving Academy Award and Golden Globe nominations for her work in both of them.

In 1957, she married actor Robert Wagner, eight years her senior, and their relationship attracted media attention. In her later years, she struggled with depression and sought therapy. She reportedly was influenced by her mother and her husband, and she made some movies that were not to her liking. She was a fashion icon of her time, and she influenced many trends in dressing. She was an avid reader, and she enjoyed cooking and hosting parties for her friends and family. She was also a vegetarian. Her untimely death at the age of 47 while on vacation with her husband and co-star Christopher Walken off the coast of Santa Catalina Island, California in 1981 was ruled a suicide. However, in 2018, fresh evidence prompted authorities to reopen the investigation into her death. Wagner was named a person of interest in her case.


After making her screen debut in the 1943 film Happy Land, Natalie Wood appeared in a few more films before moving into teenage and young adult roles. Her work in these early films earned her critical praise and the attention of 20th Century Fox studio chief Irving Pichel, who signed her to a contract after she made a minor appearance in the 1947 Christmas classic Miracle on 34th Street.

In 1955, she starred with James Dean and Sal Mineo in Rebel Without a Cause, the groundbreaking depiction of teenage rebellion and angst that cemented her as one of Hollywood’s top young stars. In the next several years, Wood’s work in a variety of films won her two more Oscar nominations—for Splendor in the Grass (1961) and Love with a Proper Stranger (1963)—and numerous Golden Globe nominations.

While she often found herself cast as the girlfriend of her male co-stars, Wood made a few exceptions to play a more substantial character. In the 1956 Western The Searchers, she played abducted Native American girl Debbie Edwards, the daughter of John Wayne’s character, a role that broke ground for its use of a white actress in a Native American role.

Later in her career, Wood portrayed Maria in the Jerome Robbins and Robert Wise musical West Side Story, which was also a box office success. As Tibbetts writes, Wood “represents a modern allegory on the themes of Romeo and Juliet—in particular, youth gangs and juvenile delinquency, rock and roll music and its sexual freedom, private restlessness and public alienation.”

Wood also had more serious dramas to her credit, including This Property Is Condemned (1966) and Inside Daisy Clover (which was based on a true story). After finding herself in demand as an older actress, she turned down many roles—including that of a woman seeking emotional stability in Bonnie and Clyde opposite Faye Dunaway—and pursued professional therapy. Toward the end of her life, Wood was cast in four more theatrical films, including the mystery comedy Peeper (1975), science fiction film Meteor (1979) and the comedy The Last Married Couple in America (1980).


Natalie Wood was a popular actress and the object of intense media attention. Her first marriage to Robert Wagner, eight years her senior, in 1957 made headlines and she was a regular feature in fan magazines. The fairy tale union didn’t last long, however, and by 1962 the two were separated. By that time, she had begun dating Hollywood heartthrob Warren Beatty.

When she died in 1981, the mystery surrounding her death grew even more complex. The official cause of her death was listed as accidental drowning, but in 2012 the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department reopened the case, citing new information that called into question the original ruling. Bruises found on her body were a key piece of the new evidence.

On the night of her death, Wood, Wagner, and her Brainstorm co-star Christopher Walken were cruising on their boat Splendour off California’s Catalina Island. They stopped for dinner at Doug’s Harbor Reef, where the manager later testified that all four were drunk. After the meal, they were drinking ashore when Wagner became agitated and jealous of Walken, who was flirting with another woman.

Wagner then broke a bottle over Walken’s head, and the rest of the night turned violent. The couple eventually separated, but they were back together by the end of the filming for Brainstorm.

Despite her turbulent personal life, Wood continued to act in films like West Side Story (1961), Gypsy (1962), Inside Daisy Clover (1965), Pepper (1975) and The Last Married Couple in America (1980). She also appeared in two TV series, including the critically acclaimed Western The Big Valley (1984) and the less successful The New Frontier (1989). In 1969, she married British talent agent Richard Gregson, with whom she had one child before they divorced in 1972.


Landscape Lighting – Elevate Your Yard’s Curb Appeal

Landscape Lighting Harrisburg PA is an essential part of any outdoor design. Whether you’re looking to create a welcoming pathway or illuminate a safety hazard, the right fixtures can elevate any landscape.

From bold feature lights to soft, radiant highlights, landscape lighting has the power to transform any outdoor space into a mesmerizing wonderland. But where do you begin?

Using landscape lighting to highlight a statue, pond, flower garden or any other feature in your yard can boost the curb appeal of your home. It’s also an ideal way to set a festive mood for evening entertaining. But before you invest in this type of lighting, think about the goals you want to accomplish. Safety – Illuminating walkways, patios, gazebos, fountains and other gathering spaces will keep guests safe from tripping hazards and other dangers.

Curb Appeal – Illuminating your driveway, walkways and entryways can help you greet visitors and guests with a warm and welcoming glow. It’s easy to accentuate your favorite features, like a statue, flag pole or centerpiece tree, with the right lighting fixtures.

Uplighting focuses the light upwards, making it perfect for highlighting focal points like trees and other tall objects in your yard. It also draws attention to a tree’s branches or leaves, creating dramatic visuals. This technique can be used on any type of foliage or hardscaping element, and varying the distance and angle can change the effect.

When uplighting a large feature, like a stone wall or hedge, it’s important to choose a fixture with a wide beam to “wash” the area with light and avoid creating shadows. The lumen output you choose should also be based on how bright or dark you’d like the feature to appear.

Downlighting focuses the light downwards, which can be an effective way to illuminate walkways and other outdoor surfaces. It’s also an effective way to highlight a driveway or doorway, helping to make it safer for people to use at night.

As you can see, there are many different ways to highlight your Memphis property with landscape lighting. It’s a good idea to lean on the expertise of a professional when it comes to selecting the best techniques for your yard. But there are some basics that every homeowner should know. Uplighting and downlighting are two of the most popular options, and knowing when to use each will make your project a success.


Landscape lighting transforms outdoor spaces into enchanting settings for relaxing and entertaining, adding beauty, curb appeal, safety and security to your home’s exterior. A range of styles from traditional to contemporary and techniques like uplighting and silhouetting can elevate the look and feel of your yard. The specific areas you want to light and their intended purpose guides your selection of lighting fixtures and techniques.

Silhouetting is a technique in which a light is placed directly behind a plant, fountain or medium-sized tree to create a silhouette effect at night. It’s particularly effective with subjects that won’t benefit from being lit directly from the front, such as dense shrubbery or arbored trees with close branching structure. The soft light washing from the back of a silhouetted object produces an intriguing set of shadows on walls and other surfaces, creating a magical look.

Accent lighting is often used in the form of spotlights or floodlights. These lights are generally hidden from view, allowing you to highlight features without them causing glare in the eyes of your guests or disrupting the aesthetic of the outdoor space. These types of lights are also ideal for illuminating steps and other obstacles, helping ensure safety in high-traffic areas after dark.

Path and step lighting are generally short, downward-facing lights that line one or both sides of a walkway, sidewalk or driveway. They’re usually installed with safety in mind but can also add a functional element to your landscape design. Path lights help guide visitors safely to your door and can be combined with other landscape features like planters, flower beds and even water features to serve as focal points.

Spotlights and other similar light fixtures aimed at architectural features, plants and other landscape elements illuminate the details of your home’s exterior to showcase its charm after dark. They’re a great option for highlighting the detail of trim, columns and other architectural features as well as the shape of your home. Spotlights can also be used to frame a walkway leading to your front door and to accentuate the detail of an interesting wall or other vertical surface.


One of the most overlooked functions of landscape lighting is how it can elevate your home’s curb appeal. Your yard can take on a whole new personality at night, and the play of light and shadow can make your space look even more appealing. There are multiple techniques you can use to add depth and dimension to your landscape design, transforming it into a piece of functional art that will wow your friends and neighbors.

Highlighting is a simple and effective way to bring attention to your landscape features, especially those with interesting textures or shapes. You can use this technique to draw attention to retaining walls, water fountains, statues, or any other feature with a unique silhouette that you want to highlight. It’s also a great way to create safety by illuminating stairways and pathways so that your family and guests can navigate them safely.

Another popular form of landscape lighting is shadowing, which is used to create intrigue and contrast on your property. This technique involves placing the fixture behind the feature, aimed towards an adjacent wall. This creates a dark outline that showcases plants and other dense features, and it looks beautiful in the evening when the sun is setting. Spotlights and well lights are ideal for creating these types of shadowing effects.

Grazing is a similar technique that uses two or more lights to cross over the surface of the feature you’re trying to illuminate. This reduces the harshness of the light and gives a more natural, softer look to your landscape. This type of landscape lighting is ideal for highlighting stucco, brick or stonework, as well as flagpoles, trellises, and pergolas.

Washing is a different type of landscape lighting that uses a wide-beam light to illuminate a larger area with minimal hot spots and density. This is ideal for illuminating walkways, patios and garden beds, as well as landscaping elements like trees, fences, and walls. Washing is also a great option for illuminating larger areas of your home, such as a pool deck or outdoor kitchen.

Whether you’re looking for a dramatic effect, a subtle glow, or a combination of both, our team at Unique Outdoor Illumination & Mosquito Pros can create the perfect lighting setup for your property. Contact us today to learn more about our services and get started on your backyard transformation!


In some cases, less really does say more when it comes to landscape lighting. A subtle wash of light can be used to highlight a waterfall in a pond without taking away from the natural look of the feature. It can also be used to highlight rocks and other landscaping around the water. This type of transitional lighting is also a great option for highlighting a focal point such as a trellis or a piece of sculpture.

Another landscape lighting technique, grazing emphasizes the texture of a surface by lighting it from close up or at a low angle. It can be used to highlight a tree trunk, stone wall or climbing ivy and create a dramatic effect. This is often seen in hotel or restaurant design and adds a touch of upscale style to the outdoor space.

While shadowing, silhouetting and washing are all lighting techniques that help to define, accentuate or highlight your landscaping features, they all have one thing in common: creating an atmosphere. The right combination of these lighting effects can make your landscape feel unique and special, transforming it from a yard into an evening gathering place for family and friends.

Adding landscape lighting to your home is an investment that not only shows your neighbors and visitors that you care about the beauty of your property, but it can also boost your home’s curb appeal and resale value. Our team of experts can help you choose the best lighting options to illuminate your favorite landscape features and draw attention to your property’s distinctive architectural elements.

If you want to keep your landscape lights looking their best, it’s important to regularly clean them. This can remove dirt and grime that could affect brightness and performance. It’s also a good idea to invest in a lighting system that can withstand the elements and avoid corrosion. Choosing fixtures that are weatherproof and have an IP rating of at least 68 can help ensure your landscape lighting system is safe in all conditions.


How to Make Your Backyard Better

Creating a well-maintained landscape encourages you and your family to spend more time outdoors. This translates into more mental and physical health benefits.


Choosing an environmentally-friendly landscaping company means avoiding equipment and lawn treatments that are harmful to the environment. It also involves planting species that require minimal additives to thrive. Contact Landscapers Baltimore for professional help.

A backyard is the perfect place for family and friends to gather, play games and relax. If you’re not using your backyard to its full potential, consider making some upgrades with the help of a landscape design professional. It doesn’t matter if your backyard is big or small — there are always ways to make it better.

Make a list of your household’s hobbies and interests, then find ways to incorporate those into your backyard design. For example, if you enjoy entertaining, create a patio complete with seating and a fire pit for chilly nights. Or, if you love to cook, a backyard kitchen makes it easier and more fun to prepare food for friends and family.

Backyards can also be a haven for those who enjoy gardening. Planting a variety of plants in your backyard helps ensure that you’ll have fresh herbs and flowers to use throughout the year. Choosing plants that thrive in your region’s climate will save you a lot of time and money on garden maintenance. Xeriscaping is a popular choice in desert regions, but it’s beneficial for anyone who doesn’t want to spend hours mowing and weeding their yard.

If you’re looking to transform your backyard into a peaceful oasis, try creating a sitting area that’s enclosed by flowering bushes and vines for a cozy, insulated feeling. You can even add a soothing water feature for added tranquility.

Another way to relax in your backyard is to entertain with a backyard bar, which will allow you to enjoy drinks and snacks without leaving the comfort of your own backyard. Whether you choose to set up a bar on a raised deck or in a corner of your backyard, you’ll find that having an outdoor space to host parties and gatherings will make your backyard feel like an extension of your home.

The key to a great backyard is making sure you have plenty of comfortable seating areas. Investing in the right patio chairs and lounge sofas will keep everyone happy, especially if you’re hosting an event. You can also create a cozy seating area around a fire pit with benches and a side table for drinks and snacks.


If you’re a homeowner, you know that landscaping includes a lot of work. Mowing, weeding, planting and bedding are just some of the tasks that come with keeping your yard looking great. Fortunately, hardscapes help to reduce the amount of time and effort needed to keep your outdoor areas looking their best. Hardscapes are the non-living components of your landscape and can include everything from brick to concrete. They’re usually designed to add a decorative touch and can enhance your overall landscape design.

The most common types of hardscapes are patios, walkways and driveways. These are usually built using brick, flagstone or concrete pavers. They can also include retaining walls and custom outdoor lighting. Other hardscape features include sitting walls, water features and grill surrounds. Depending on your preferences, hardscapes can be functional or decorative.

When used correctly, hardscapes can make your yard feel like an extension of your home. They can also increase your usable square footage and create unique outdoor living spaces for entertaining friends and family.

A well-designed hardscape can also complement your architectural style and tie the whole landscape together. For example, brick patios are a classic choice for homes with traditional architecture, while a flagstone walkway can be used with a variety of styles.

Hardscapes can be a great way to add a sense of privacy to your backyard. Fencing, walls and other dividing elements can help to cut down on noise and light pollution from nearby streets or neighbors. They can also increase your privacy when entertaining guests or spending time with loved ones.

Adding hardscapes to your backyard can be a great way to enhance your curb appeal and boost the value of your home. However, it’s important to remember that hardscapes can be damaged by exposure to the elements. Taking steps to protect your hardscapes and ensuring that they are installed properly can help them last longer. Regular maintenance such as a protective seal can help to prevent damage from sun, wind and rain.

If you’re considering installing a new hardscape feature on your property, be sure to contact a professional. They’ll be able to advise you on the best material for your needs and create a design that will suit your personal tastes.


Trees are one of the most important elements of any landscaping plan. They offer a wide range of benefits that improve the overall look of your commercial property. Adding trees to your landscape can also increase the value of your property. The following tips will help you choose the best place to add a new tree.

Framing a view

Trees can frame a view without the expense and limitations of structural boundaries like walls, fences, or built-in seating. They also create outdoor living spaces, separating one part of the yard from another and defining a space without blocking views or creating visual clutter.

Privacy screening

Evergreen trees provide a cost-effective and attractive solution for blocking neighbors’ views from homes, decks, and patios. They can easily extend above fencing and are a good choice for blocking upper-story neighboring views as well. They can even serve as a windbreak to help shield yards from winter winds.

Seasonal color

Trees add beauty to the landscape through blooming flowers and foliage that change with the seasons, enhancing the beauty of your property throughout the year. They are also a focal point, attracting birds and other wildlife.

Sound barrier

Trees help to reduce noise pollution in urban areas by absorbing and deflecting sound waves. They can also help to filter air pollutants, such as carbon dioxide, and promote soil stability to prevent erosion.

Accentuating the base of a tree

To make the most of the space under your trees, add landscape accents such as flowering shrubs or ornamental grasses to fill in gaps and keep weeds from growing. Alternatively, use large rocks or garden art to create silhouettes and shadows under the canopy of the tree.

Be sure to plant your trees properly, ensuring they are not planted too close to structures or buried utility lines. Check with your public works department to see if they offer free flagging services and to find out where underground utilities are located before planting. Make sure your tree is planted at least a half of its mature height away from buildings or paved surfaces to avoid damage or staining.

Outdoor living spaces

When you’re planning for outdoor living spaces, lifestyle is a key element to consider. Whether it’s curling up with a book in the morning sun or hosting friends for late-night drinks, you want your yard to feel like a comfortable extension of your home.

One way to help your backyard become more inviting is by creating a central space for dining and entertaining. You could create a cozy nook around a fire pit, add a dining patio or even transform your front yard into a social garden.

Focal points make the best backyard entertainment areas, and a fountain can serve as an eye-catching centerpiece for any landscaping project. Water also appeals to all five senses, providing a soothing sound and a dimension of cool tranquility that’s sure to enhance any gathering. For an affordable focal point, try adding a small store-bought fountain or opting for something more unique, such as a cascading waterfall or an elegant sculpture.

To define a seating area in your backyard, consider using paver stones or bricks to create a floor that sets it apart from the rest of your lawn’s grass. This simple design element gives the illusion of a defined room and helps separate the area for dining and relaxing from the rest of the garden. If you have the budget for it, a wall provides an even more effective separation, while also offering a sense of privacy and security.

When it comes to outdoor furniture, choose pieces that can endure a range of weather conditions and temperature fluctuations. Properly waterproofed wood or metal chairs and couches can resist rain, wind and sunlight for years without fading or becoming damaged. If you’re considering a pergola, look for one that features screens that can be opened or closed to keep mosquitoes and other pests away when you’re enjoying your outdoor living area at dusk or dawn.

The right lighting will also help your backyard be a welcoming gathering place at night. There are many ways to brighten up a space for outdoor living, including sconces, pendants and Edison-type bulbs strung overhead. You can also add a softer touch with candles, lamps and lanterns.